
The river ran black

My grandparents settled in the mining basin of Asturias, Spain, in the 1950s. A time when coal mining was the engine of economic development in the region. My father grew up in these narrow valleys surrounded by mountains, where the river ran black and where the sound of the siren announced the descent of the […]

Demothanasia. Death by Depopulation.

Demothanasia is the process by which political actions or omissions lead to the disappearance of a territory’s population. Death by depopulation is slow and silent. It is merciless with the territory, nature and heritage. The situation is no less dramatic for the people who live or, rather, resist in rural areas. Those who live in […]


The ocean covers 71% of the planet’s surface. It feeds us, protects us and absorbs more than 90% of the excess heat generated by global warming. It is an inestimable source of economic, social and cultural wealth – 3 billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods.Yet, according to predictions, tropical coral […]

The Wet Red Line

Reservoirs of water – rivers, seas, oceans, have always been the natural borders of countries. This is also the case with Ukraine and Russia, between which there has been a war since 2022. From the first days after the outbreak of the war, I have been photographing the war-torn space of Ukraine. I document landscapes […]

Standing on the edge

Cyclones, as forces of nature, repeatedly impose their devastating impact on the East Coast region, snatching away precious possessions and loved ones in an instant. The East Coast area of India stands as one of the most sensitive and exposed zones to cyclone hazards. Despite the inherent risks, the resilient residents of these communities choose […]

Post-Soviet Dust of the Aral

Just over 50 years ago, the Aral Sea was one of the largest lakes in the world. However, due to man-made and possibly natural factors, it lost more than 90% of its original area, leaving a desert landscape and the population on the brink of survival. The Aral issue dates back over 100 years. When […]

Living in Makoko

Living in Makoko I am making this project because MAKOKO is a place of amazing contrasts coming together and the community’s very existence is tentative, with the threat of being disassembled always looming. The transition between land and water is hopeless and the threat of sea level rise is very high. I have to make […]

After the Deluge

“After the Deluge” is the project that traces the social, family, interpersonal, physical and psychological consequences in a small rural area in Bulgaria severely affected by floods revealing the readiness of local people for natural disasters and the ability to cope with them. On September 2, 2022, 3 villages in the Karlovo area – Karavelovo, […]

Structural Massacre

On the night of 4 June 2022, in Kadamrasul area of Sitakunda, 40 km away from the port city Chittagong, Bangladesh, a fire broke out at a Dutch-Bangladeshi joint venture container depot called “BM Container Depot”, (BM Container Depot handles most of the country’s ready-made clothes, exports to the West ) and subsequent explosion (because […]

Saving exotic animals from Ukraine

Since the Russian invasion, a tremendous effort to save wild and exotic animals is carried out in Ukraine by volunteers and military. Nataliia Popova who initiated the evacuation is a former equestrian champion who turned her horse-riding centre outside Kyiv into an asylum for animals. Days after the aggression her facility filled up with exotic […]